The program
At present the program supports the following dataloggers:
Agilent 34970A
Agilent 34972A
Keysight DAQ970A
and can perform measurements on anything that can give a signal. To make it simple one can say that the program consist of 4 parts.
The future of VeeCan DAQ
VeeCan DAQ is always an ongoing process for us. When costumers have new ideas, we do all we can to build them into the program. This means that you will get updates quite often - 4 to 6 times a year. These updates are free. Should you have special requirements, we can offer to include them in the program, just charging you an hourly rate.
Setting up the measurement. - This is where you define what you want the program to do when running the test. The set-up is named freely and is saved so it easily can be found and used again.
The measurement. - Here you can follow the measurement with curves in real time. All measured and calculated data can be shown in groups of your selection. A group can hold op to 10 data set. During the test, data is stored on disk, making collected data secured.
Result handling. - Working with results is many things but we can mention: Offset of time axis, clip of start and end of data stream. All changes are saved and it is, of course, possible to reset all settings to the original values. You can export data to CSV files for later use in a spreadsheet.
The print out. - To make sure you get exactly the print you want, we have built in a script system that makes it easy to create a print-out. You can easily set up the page with your own company logo and even include pictures from a test in the print-out. All prints are previewed and will not print until selected. As a special function, printouts or part of print-outs can be exported in WMF format (windows meta files) and then directly inserted into your word processor as graphic images. This way you can save your report and data curves in the one and the same file.
Special tools in VeeCan DAQ
Although you can compose all types off measurements we have built in some special functions to ease the work.
- EN-ISO 1182-2002 - Non-combustibility tests
- ISO 834 - Construction tests
- EN 13823 - SBI test
- ISO DIS 9705 - Room Corner test
and finally we have made a sequencer system to handle tests where you want to run the same test at different settings in one and same measurement.
- Non-combustibility test
- Construction tests
- The Temperature Location System TLS
- SBI and R oom Corner test
- The sequencer system
- The satellite screen
- The clock PC
- The OPC client
- Correlation data
We are not going to mention all the areas where VeeCan DAQ is used but just some examples.
If you have a test facility and wonder if VeeCan DAQ could do the test for you, just send us a description of your requirements and we will suggest how you could carry out the test using VeeCan DAQ.
Call us for a no obligation demonstration of VeeCan DAQ. We can offer to make an online demo of the whole system. All you need is a PC with access to the internet and if possible a Skype connection
As a VeeCan DAQ customer, you receive free support and updates.
We can offer education in advanced use of VeeCan DAQ on an hourly rate.
Humidity room.
A company is using the program for data acquisition and controlling a humidity room. Temperature and humidity are sampled and at the same time the program controls the moisture and temperature levels by turning the controls on and off.
Fire test according to EN/ISO/IMO norms.
The program measures temperatures both in the oven and on the element on test. Temperatures are evaluated against the norms and markers on the screen and on the plot show if the element fails the test. By use of the OPC server the program feeds the PLC with actual Temperature and Set-point. The lab is equipped with one satellite screen in the guest room and another close to the furnace for the operators. Close to the furnace a third PC is showing elapsed time by use of the Clock PC program. All four computers are connected on the network to a server where all results are saved.
Non combustibility test.
For this test, VeeCan DAQ has a special script function that takes care of the full presentation. It only takes one line in the script file to produce the final print from test of 5 or 7 specimens.
Room corner test.
The program measures flow, temperatures, oxygen level, carbon monoxide level and carbondioxide level. The flow in the duct and the gas valve is controlled by the program and results in a final curve showing the Rate of Heat Release. In this test, the advantage of working with delayed signals is used for the measurement of gasses.
Mechanical test of wings for windmills.
The program measures different signals obtained from the wing. It also measures the speed of the rotor by using the high speed counter card.